Friday, january 30, 2010
Champion and champion again ,,,,, congratulations on the championship achieved sd children 03 morning mountain that was announced on Saturday on 31/01/2010 at 13:30 pm ..... among others, consists of several categories that achieved namely:
1. singing contest winner 1 (one), brought by the child wrote 4A class a / n Aprolla daughter Karina
2. singing contest champion 3 (three), performed by the children wrote 4A class a / n Kartika
3. traditional dance contest champion expectations include 3 hosted joint graders 4A and 4B
achieved all was not lost on the support of all concerned ... of course, directly supported \
of the principal ......
and our teachers are: Mr. Soewarto as elementary school principal of Mount 03 other teachers in the morning and hopefully sd mountain .... 03 am still exis ... in all areas of education both primary and ... BRAVO FOR skunder Mountain Elementary School 03 am -- Jakarta
Gratitude addressed to:
1. Thank you for all the reply given ALLAH.SWT YES
2. Mr. soewarto as elementary school principal of Mount Pago 03
3. Mother Delima as vocal tutor
4. Miss Maya as a teacher who gave me support
5. Mrs. Ayu as a teacher who gave me support
6. Mrs. Rossy as a teacher who gave me support
7. thank you Papa ... I LOVE U always give me everything I became champion himgga .... a
certainly the best sor evrythimg my daddy>>> I LOVE U Papa
8. and all those who supported me in getting this championship .... thank you all
for prayer and support both moral and material
arthor by, karina aprilla daughter
Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

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