Sabtu, 17 Januari 2009


1. whether you're in trouble .....
2. have any problems pill / wil
3. rejected in love ....
4. trance
5. want to learn scientific but does not know where .....
6. whether you are suffering from a disease never recover ..

If you have a problem of which ...

GOD INSYA with the permission and ridho-NYA
I will help you in all issues in this service ...

1. Aura open / scholarly aura ...
2. the issue of households .. (pill / wil)
3. medical and non medical ....
4. Pelet, gendam to be able to follow the will ...
5. To provide consultation in ilmuan / kebathinan
6. Charging scholarly

please help if the general public in making this a less well .......

qolbu reviews

I am a human being who does not escape from the problem, because men in general, not perfect, including my own. problem or a trial, this measure of living ringannya different, how we face the problem itself, of course we have to be patient and tawakal to the creator of heaven and earth, along with its contents. God is omniscient one.

light qolbu

pray to the khalik with khusu, and ask what makes the desires of the heart continuously. at the day, Allah what we're granted .. real and the unseen, abstrak.dengan .... full confidence Allah intent .... we will be granted the most important is to ikhlasan

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

remix 1 for live

We feel that sucess can be achieved very easily if you take the motto "help others to get what they want, by doing so you will get what you want"

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